Aeroplan class action suit?

One of my favourite things monitoring this blog stems from a post I made last year about Aeroplan disenfranchising its members who did not keep ponying up. Almost everyday lately I have been getting a comment from some furious person who lost their points. At some point along the way someone suggested the idea of a class action suit and that has resonated with many commenters.

Hoisted from the comments area is the following offer:

Shawn |

Time to walk the walk. If any of you are seriously interested in pursuing a class action lawsuit against Aeroplan for forfeited miles contact me at ’’.

Although not currently practicing, I am an Ontario lawyer in good standing and I am willing to devote whatever time I can to this project.


  • I have recently discovered that my points have been wiped due to inactivity. I am interested in learning and possibly being party within any class action lawsuit that may be in the works.



  • I just saw a preview of a news story regarding this. I went to my computer to check my Aeroplan account which I started in 1998, and there is a zero balance.

    I will actively participate in any class action suit regarding this.
    It’s just not right or fair.


  • my points were wiped out as well i would like be part of any action that can be taken to get them back
    thanks for your time please keep me posted
    have great day

  • Count me in for a class action suit. I lost 67,000 points that I had been saving over the years to make a trip to Europe. They were wiped out on November 15th, 2007 even though I had made reservations to go to Asia on October 15th, 2007. I wrote to Aero plan to complain and explain the circumstances, but they didn’t even to have the courtesy to reply.

  • I am planning on suing aeroplan in small claims court, but I would consider entering a class action suit. Please let me know if this has been commenced.

  • I shall also participate with action against aeroplan for removing my 82000 points accumulated since 1998. Thanks. The communication to customers was poorly done, might I venture to say almost intentionally obscure, in a tiny message at the end of a long letter that reiterated their past warning about the 7 year plan. I am abhored by their callous and greedy tactics.

  • I am also disgusted to find our points wiped out shortly before I tried to use them. The warning was so well hidden, I would bet more people DIDN’T see it, than did. How convenient for Aeroplan.

    Count me in, on any class action lawsuit that is started.

  • I am interested in additional information on joining the class action lawsuit, (cost, length of time..?) But don’t believe that you can win this one. Aeroplan isn’t the only company that does this. Sears has been doing this for long time. If it is a condition of the agreement to join then what chance do we have to win. Maybe more productive is to start organizing to boycott Aeroplan and any credit card that support them.

  • Adelio De Civita

    I too have just found out this morning, I lost my 300,000 plus points, shamefull! Do count me in a class action suit against these thiefs

  • I will have to remove my name from this class action suit as I appealed the decision to remove my points and had them reinstated.

  • I have been trying to appeal since Aug 2007 and just found out they rejected my appeal on absolutely shameful conditions. What is the status of a class action suit?

  • Aeroplan points – I lost mine as well – I would be intrested in hearing more information regarding a class action suit.

  • I would like to join your class action suite. Please keep me up to date so I can participate.


    Reg Bennett

  • I have been a member of aeroplan since 1992 and have never redeemed my points – thousands upon thousands of points have been taken away without my knowledge – I just found out today that aeroplan decided not to honour their points for longer than 12 months? This is outrageous, please include me in your class action suit – I will take this one all the way!

  • I must add my name to your list. I just discovered that all the 49,000 we had accumulated were stolen by AeroPlan just 2 weeks ago. To get these back I must now pay $500. How can this be legal.

  • I would like to join the class action lawsuit as well. Lost over 94,000 points that I’ve been accumulating since 1990 without prior warning.

  • Yes, I am in.
    Aeorplan is asking me for $294 to get my 25,ooo points back.

    I think it looks like a retroactive billing (see the lawsuit vs Telus and Rogers in Vancouver).

    Should we ask actually Air Canada, who just sold the Aeorplan, to pay for the re-instatements?


  • I wish I could be there at the meeting to see how many people with drop the Aeroplan and Air Canada at the same time.

    Aeroplan Income Fund (TSX: AER.UN) will hold its Annual and Special Meeting of unitholders on Thursday, June 19, 2008.

    Time: 10 am EST
    Location: Trading Floor at the Design Exchange 234 Bay Street, Toronto Dominion Centre, Toronto, ON
    By telephone: 1-866-540-8136 (toll free) or 416-641-6112. Please allow 10 minutes to be connected to the conference call.

    For further information: Media: Michèle Meier, (514) 205-7028,; JoAnne Hayes, (416) 352-3706,; Analysts: Trish Moran, (416) 352-3728,

  • Planned to use my accumulated points since 1992 for a special family gathering. I was robbed of 85,000 points. I get promotional emails al the time from aeroplan, but remember none about you are loosing your miles. I am furious. What is the best action?
    I believe the viral nature of the web can be used to spread this outrageous action. I am here to help, but would like guidance from those who have been victims already. In the meantime:
    1. promote the hell out of Cathay and Westjet.
    2. return all air canada newspaper ads in the non-return addressed envelope to air canada sales offices with no postage – opps forgot.
    3. flood aeroplan with phone enquiries to tie up their lines for customers who have not yet lost their miles.
    4. other ideas for corporate revenge?
    I am P&%$*ed about this!

  • I am creating a community.
    Please email your aeroplan losses to:
    You will be kept up to date on what the community can do to put pressure on AP and AC to give back what they stole.
    Thanks and lets all work together!

  • Starting a community about this.
    Send your aeroplan horror stories to:
    aero.disloyalty at
    I will provide a summary of experience/advise.
    Lets work together on this.

  • My wife recently loss over 100,000 points due to inactivity, that kind of action is totally absurd. It is points that she paid for over a number of years and they should not be allowed to take them from her. I am interested in a class action suit.

  • I too lost over 75,000 points. I recall that i liked that aeroplan did not have an expiry on their points. I don’t recall when it changed. I called and asked and they said they sent me notice to my e-mail. My e-mail address had changed a few times over the years. Now I have a permanent e-mail address but apparently it was my responsibility to update my account. I had actually done that but they were still e-mailing my old account and told me that it was my responsibility to follow up on the fact that I was not receiving statements. If they had just sent me notice by regular mail, I would have been able to respond accordingly and in time. I realize that the original contracts said and continue to say that “these policies may change at any time,” but I would think it reasonable to have grandfathered existing aeroplan members and applied the expiration to new members and to points accumulated after the change. I would love to join a class action suit if one exists or will exist.

  • I would also be interested in participating in any class action suit after finding out that my account was wiped out (almost 50,000 points) with absolutely no notice that I was at risk of losing them.

    Apparently only some select few get notified when their points are in peril, I was not one of them despite having the same mailing address and active email address since 1999, when I signed on with Aeroplan.

    On top of the callousness of the call centre staff, I find it even more infuriating not to have any direct recourse. Mailing addresses are nowhere to be found on-line and their website is about as useful as a snowmobile in a tropical rainforest.

  • I’m so upset with aeroplan, they stole over 100,000 miles with no notice or justification. But I still get their junk mail every week.
    I just cancelled 4 tickets I had just purchased for a family trip this summer, because I just found out my aeroplan account is at a big fat zero. I’ve been a member since 1992, that’s called loyalty … something AC knows nothing about.
    They are obviously up to their old tricks again. Feed the loyal customers to upper management for dinner and take away any sense of security in their rewards program (this must be a sick joke).
    Their CEO has padded his wallet and has left us all pleading for the miles we’ve earned and charging us with a re-instatement fee?
    Where’s the justice here???
    Sign me up for a class-action, twice please!

  • Bernie MacMillan

    I too have had my points stolen from me – over 80,000. The Aeroplan employees were rude and disrespectful in their dealings with me. I would be very interested in persuing a class action law suit.

  • Same story. Got robbed too! Hopefully karma does exist and the bastards will go belly up.

  • Call me stupid but I just found out that the 90,000 points I had in my account had been cancelled. I have been an Aeroplan member since 1987. When I called to inquire about my account they said they had cancelled the points due to inactivity in the last 12 months. I was never informed by Air Canada that the points were in jeopardy. To rub salt in the wound they said I could buy my points back for
    $900. This seems to me to be theft and blackmail. The obvious question is how can the change the plan without having consumers be notified and sign
    off on the change.
    I suspect this is a dead issue but I am really upset about the fact that this seems dishonest. No wonder the Air Canada is in trouble they are managed by dishonest people with no concern for customers.

  • Same story. I joined early last year and just found out that I lost all 50000 points I transferred from my AmEx card 🙁
    They want me to pay $530 to reinstate my points. This is ridiculous as I did not receive any thing in the mail from them about the points expiring.
    I am interested in joining the lawsuit as well.


  • Count me in on the suit. I had 90,000 points wiped out. They sent me an e-mail to state the changes that they are making and that I had two years to use my points. Around four weeks later I went on to their web site and discovered my points were gone! I have called them and they could not give me an answer. I was told to wright to the president which I did and one year later still no reply. I still have the e-mail they sent to me.

  • I’m in. This is total crap. Gift cards are no longer allowed to expire, why are loyalty points? 7 years might be fair, but not flying for a year when your father gets cancer and dies. Yeah, the first thing on my mind was to make sure I used my aeroplan acct.

    This needs to be made illegal.

  • I discovered this site while looking (fruitlessly) for an address for Aeroplan.
    I lost 75,000 point without warning. Class action sounds VERY interesting.

  • Count me in on the suit. I had close to 50,000 points wiped out without proper warning.

  • I can’t believe how Aeroplan feels it’s perfectly OK to rip people off. I receive hundreds of emails, I didn’t have time to read one from them telling me to use my card or loose my points. I had over 200k worth of miles!!! I say we sue their asses based on the communication being passive (no response required). If a bank threatened to close an account with money in it, they would need confirmation of some sort that the client has been told. These bastards need to pay!!!

  • I lost 40k miles out of nowhere….this is clearly not acceptable. I am seeing a lot of folks here have lost a lot more than me and this needs to be taken care of.

    Is there any work in progress on approaching Aeroplan with a group petition or something? Count me in for the class action suite as well!!

  • I’m in too. Just checked my account and my points were ALL removed some time after June 2008. To think that every time I used Air Canada I thought I was being a good Canadian.


  • I too lost 58,000 aeroplan miles due to inactivity. In 2007, I attempted 3 times to book a flight to the US. There were no seats available for Aeroplan booking. I then tried to book a flight to Europe. I was told I was short 2000 points. They wanted to charge me nearly 70% of the ticket price to make up for the shortfall. I was astounded. Now, today, I just found out that I lost all my miles. I suspect it is due to inactivity. I plan to call them tomorrow to give an earful. Don’t believe these Air Canada rip offs tell you that aeoroplan points are a courtesy. That is a load of dung. Fact is, if you earn them using your member credit card, you have to pay an annual fee for the card. I pay Royal Bank $120. In addition, Air Canada gets free marketing and advertising benefits by advertising Aeroplan. All pariticipating businesses advertise Air Canada logo in their flyers, newsprint, raidio tv and online advertisements. There is no FREE LUNCH. Every thing Air Canada does is calculated to maximize shareholder profit. If there is a class action law suit pending, I will be glad to add my name. I cannot believe it I have deliberately and carefuly spent $60,000 to earn that many Aeroplan miles, only to lose them by a shady self-serving rule that Air Canada created and implemented. Only an a law suit will decide the legality of this rule.

  • Hasn’t anyone actually followed through with a small claims action of their own? Waiting around for a class action lawsuit to materialize is perhaps not the most expedient route. My wife lost her accumulated Aeroplan miles without notice (they claim they sent various emails warning of pending expiration but we have no record of their receipt). We’re about to file suit tomorrow in Montreal.

  • I lost 70,000 points, if I remember correctly then when this expiry policy was launched starting Jan 2007, was told that any miles accumulated upto dec 31, 2006 will be good untill dec 31, 2013. Now I checked late and all 70,000 of them are gone. when contacted was told to buy back for 3cent a mile. Aerolpan is acting not only wierd but too smart. If any body wants to start a class action please let me know, I want to join.

  • I was planning to treat a staff member to two tickets to her homeland of Slovakia, thinking I had lots of points accumulated from years of business travel. Shockingly, Aeroplan had wiped out over 750,000 points due to inactivity. I just told my brother and he said his 80,000 points were also history. Count us in for a class action victory!

  • Katia Berdichevsky

    I am appalled. I will join ANY class action lawsuit against this unscrupulous company. I have just been notified (first time) that I lost my 52,000 points and will have to pay over $ 560 to reactivate my account and get these back! They are holding our miles hostage!! This is completely ruthless and needs to be stopped. I asked if I couls speak with someone higher than a supervisor, and the woman a complete moron, told me that she was ” the end of the line” and if I wished I would write a letter to a PO box- attention the Executive Office!! Not even a real person!! Yet, they think it is legal and legitimate to notify me, via EMAIL that my account will expire- except- the email was not received and I have no record of it. According to them, they don’t have to notify at all, its our responsibility to keep our accounts active!!!

    This is insane!! PLEASE someone launch this soon. I am willing to contact media, and anyone else who will listen- something needs to be done!!

  • I just found that I have lost over 100,000 points with Aeroplan. I have been a member since 1994, and have no knowledge of expiration periods for the points. Apparently I have “received” emails to this effect, but I have no recollection.
    The upshot of the conversation with the supervisor at Aeroplan is that my loss is my fault because I did not keep abreast of their program changes.
    I find Aeroplan’s approach to be pretty high-handed and certainly not conducive to retaining customers through a loyalty program.

    If there is going to be a class action suit, keep me informed!

  • I just learnt that I have lost over 80,000 points. Please add me to to the list of people wanting to join a class action lawsuit. I never received the alleged email advising of the expiration. We need to do something about this.

  • Much like everyone else I am very annoyed that my plan miles have been treated this way. It’s nothing more than a cash grab. Please count me in on any action


  • Someone should create a group in facebook and target Aeroplan, AirCanada and anyone who participates in this program. A hear that creating a big buzz in this manner will mean a lot to those in negative advertising…

    I have also lost my point to Aeroplan! Unfortunately, nothing could be done. I tried to talk to them but there was no use.

    If there is a law suit! Of course I would be in!

  • Found out from my statement that I had missed using my card by a couple of months and lost 258,000 points. Was saving up for a trip after retirement, had health issues and when we were ready to use, no points. I will make it a point not to deal with a business that have aeroplan as a partner. How many thousands of dollars I have spent with Air Canada and Avis to have that many points. No more business from me.

  • I have been collection points since the 1980s when the points program was part of Canadian Airlines. I just lost 52,000 points due to not using my points or adding to them. If any other disatisfied customers want to write to the president and CEO the name and address is as follows:

    Rupert Duchesne
    President & CEO, Aeroplan
    5100 Boul De Maisonneuve
    Montreal, Quebec
    H4A 3T2

    You are encouraged to take a few extra dollars out of your pocket and send the letter by courier, not by regular mail.

  • I, too, lost points without any notice … over 220,000 points!

  • i lost my points and would like to be part of the class action, i had 50000 points and they got completely wiped with no warning or letter. Called to complain, but they dont care or even want to listen!!!! Sign me up

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