Call for Nominations: John Kenneth Galbraith Prize in Economics

Progressive Economics Forum members are invited to nominate individuals for the first John Kenneth Galbraith Prize in Economics. The Prize will be awarded at the June 2008 Canadian Economics Association meetings and will be accompanied by a keynote lecture by the winner.

Nominations will close January 31, 2008. Please send your nominations to PEF Chair, Marc Lee, at marc [at]

The JKG Prize was inaugurated in June 2007 by James Galbraith at the Canadian Economics Association meetings in Halifax. Text of Jamie’s lecture available here.

At the 2007 PEF AGM, the following terms of reference were passed outlining the process for determining the Prize:

John Kenneth Galbraith Prize and Lecture
Terms of Reference (amended June 2, 2007)

a) The JKG Prize and Lecture will be awarded every two years, with the first award in 2008. It will be presented as part of the annual Canadian Economics Association meetings.

b) The recipient of the Prize must deliver the Lecture (no lecture, no prize).

c) The Prize will be awarded based on a demonstrated contribution combining economic analysis with a commitment to social justice, whose work exemplifies the goals and objectives of the PEF.

d) A five-person Selection Committee will be appointed by the PEF Steering Committee to bring forward nominations in the year before the prize is awarded. The Selection Committee will have at a minimum one academic, one labour member, and one member from a community/social justice/environmental organization.

e) PEF members will have an opportunity to nominate candidates, but the award will be determined by the Selection Committee.

f) The PEF will award a $2,000 honourarium for the Prize and Lecture, and will cover travel and accommodation expenses for the recipient.

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