New Yorkers for Fiscal Fairness
While driving down the 401 recently, I listened to some upstate New York radio and heard a great ad from New Yorkers for Fiscal Fairness. This organization resembles the CCPA’s alternative budget initiatives, although its Better Choice campaign is reminiscent of the CLC.
In these troubled budget times for our state, it just blows my mind that any/all retired state employees don’t pay NYS income tax! Additionally, they (and all current employees) enjoy the best of the best medical insurance on the backs of all taxpayers! This while private business is continuing to squeeze down the health care insurance of their retirees to stay competitive. I’ve got to tell you that as a hard working taxpayer who is happy to pay his share DO NOT UNDERSTAND why there is such a disparity here! Just think of the billions the State could recoup if these areas were brought in line with the rest of us!
Jim Hickey
3911 Howlett Hill Road
Syracuse, NY 13215