Relentless Self-Promotion: Michael Coren Show

I just returned from the Steelworker Mecca of Hamilton-Burlington, where the Michael Coren Show is taped. It will be broadcast at 8pm tonight through the Crossroads Television System (CTS) on cable in Ontario and Alberta, and on satellite across Canada.

Sarah Blackstock of the Income Security Advocacy Centre and I squared off with two Kevins, one from the Canadian Taxpayers Federation and the other from The National Post. Economic stimulus in general and Employment Insurance in particular were major topics of discussion.


  • Erin,
    Nice to hear from you. I am anxious to see the video of the discussion. I worked in that building for a summer reporting for 100 Huntley Street. I wish CTS was available in our standard cable stations out here, or at least online.

  • these kind of things would be great for people in the boonies, like me, to access, and while many have cable, many don’t, like me.

    getting links to these things taped on internet is useful, so that when the weather and the wireless connection is good, there’s a better chance for access. for some reason youtube seems to have the least problem with downloads. don’t know why.

    hope the debates went well, in any case, sure they did.

  • Lee, I am delighted to hear from you. Kevin Gaudet represented your organization well. He did an admirable job of making the case for no economic stimulus, but I think that’s a tough row to hoe.

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