Marc’s Conflict of Interest Disclosure
On January 5th, 2012, the American Economics Association adopted new guidelines for the disclosure of potential conflicts of interests by economists. Please find my disclosure information below (thanks to Andrew Leach for turning the AEA guidelines into a template, which I have used as the basis for my own).
I have been employed with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives as an Economist since November 1998. Since 2009 I have been Co-Director of the CCPA-UBC Climate Justice Project.
Financial support:
For calendar years 2009-2012 (to date), my organization has received financial support for my research activities from:
- The Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) – Climate Justice Project CURA (in partnership with University of British Columbia).
- Vancity Savings credit union.
- Vancouver Foundation.
- Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions.
- Industry Canada, Office of Consumer Affairs.
I receive support (office, infrastructure, equipment, salary and benefits) from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives for my research (what remains uncovered by source cited above). The CCPA receives funding from diverse sources, including individuals, trade unions, credit unions, foundations and government.
Consulting activity:
None to report.
Relevant paid or unpaid activity
- Speaking engagements: I am a regular speaker at events and conferences, and frequently charge a speaking fee, which goes to my organization to cover the cost of my time. I have not been compensated directly for any of these events over-and-above expenses incurred, with the exception of “shwag” (the occasional article of clothing; sometimes chocolate and coffee; a couple times, I received a small native carving or picture).
- CBC Early Edition Business Panel: I have a contract with CBC to do regular commentary, paid at standard rates. Funds are donated back to the CCPA.
- Other benefits received: If I travel for work, I will often engage in some sightseeing, done at my own expense.
Family conflicts of interest
To the best of my knowledge, no members of my immediate family have personal or financial relationships which would be viewed by a reasonable individual to constitute a conflict of interest with either my research or public commentary.
Asset disclosure
I do not hold shares in any companies. I do not believe in speculating in financial markets, so all savings are held in term deposits at local credit union.
Political Activity
My organization is non-partisan, and I am not a member of or regular donor to a provincial or federal party.