Measuring Youth Unemployment
Miles Corak has a great post up about Paul Krugman’s “favourite gauge” of unemployment, the employment rate. Â Looking at the ratio of employed to population for working age men, he shows that the employment recovery in Canada appears to have stalled, moving very little since January 2011.
The graph below shows youth unemployment (right axis) and employment (left axis) from January 2007. Â In August 2012, youth unemployment was 14.8% – an improvement of 1.6 percentage points since the peak of the recession. Â The youth employment rate in August, however, was actually at its lowest point since the recession hit, with only 54% of youth aged 15-24 employed. Â So, by the employment rate, there has been no lasting recovery for youth.
Not forgetting to mention many youth are starting with debt that cannot be discharged in bankruptcy, are watching prices rise for basic necessities without matching wages, salaries, or incomes, expected to pay for baby boomers.
The typical social liberals (me) don’t care who you sleep with, choose too marry(polygamists, homosexual, heterosexual, asexuality), put whatever drug into your own body. This demographic which was poison to social conservatives, or % of old people. How many young people agree with the above is the majority
New Right from this group state only in living in one means is conservative enough(much easier sell politically) especially after watching their parents, or themselves take on to much debt. New Right states – the govt assumes the right to take your property without your consent – through taxation, and the coperations (and especially the creditors of banks, who hold their bonds) also assume the right to take your property without your consent through inflation, higher cost of life